By Bev Ehrlich on Sunday, 01 March 2015
Category: Bev's Practical Parenting Vlog

Arrogance or Confidence

Confident and arrogant people both believe in themselves. They believe they are good at something and that they can succeed.

The difference, however, is that confident people are self-assured - they believe in themselves without the need to let other people know about it. They are confident in themselves regardless of what others around them think or are doing.

On the other hand, arrogant people often feel the need to let others know how good they are. They oftencompare themselves to others in order to validate themselves and show that they are "better than" and worthy of attention. They may even put others down in an attempt to make themselves look better.Arrogant people feel good about themselves compared to what others are doing and thinking.

When you talk to your kids about self-confidence make sure that they understand that confidence comes from within and is based on believing in themselves no matter what others do or think.

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