Jan 14

Belonging and Becoming Video 1/3
Our sense of belonging in our families of origin guides the way to how much we feel we belong in our intimate relationships, in our relatioships with our friends, with our colleagues and with our larger communities. 

Notice how comfortable you feel in social settings.
video transcript (pdf)

The Gift of Presence Video 2/3

Being present and available are true gifts to all our relationships. They allow for the possibility and the awareness to manage and make choices that can serve your relationships better.

How rushed do you feel? How much can you move through your day spending just 2 minutes with everyone you speak to, giving your attention and giving your presence?
video transcript (pdf)

Living in Community Video 3/3

We all want to make a meaningful contribution. We want to bring our project into the world. We want to live in a world that we co-create to become a better place than when we arrived.

Living together as a community can help us to reach our highest potential, both individually and collectively. In other words, living in relation helps us to develop and grow. Everyone has wisdoms to teach us about ourselves even when the learning is challenging.
video transcript (pdf)

If you found these videos helpful I’d like to offer you a free impactful and compelling  conversation with me for 60 minutes.


Exactly what you’re getting.

In this conversation I will provide an opportunity to bring awareness to some of your personal processes. I'll shed light on your patterns of behavior, change your perspectives and work on solutions to your challenges.

At the end of the session, you'll:

  • simultaneously enhancing the joy in your relationships be they with your intimate partner, family members, friends or colleagues.

There is no catch!

With that said, please understand that I’m not offering a sales pitch in disguise. I promise not to pressure or pester you in any way.

Here’s what to do next.

If you want to schedule a powerful conversation

  • feel clearer on what it is you want
  • uncover hidden obstacles preventing your ease and comfort in some of your relationships
  • be encouraged  to see new possibilities in your challenging relationships

There’s no cost to this, and no obligation!

Why am I offering a powerful free conversation?

Well, as a transformational Life and Relationships Coach I support people like you in resolving challenges while simultaneously enhancing the joy in your relationships be they with your intimate partner, family members, friends or colleagues. There is no catch!

With that said, please understand that I’m not offering a sales pitch in disguise. I promise not to pressure or pester you in any way.

Here’s what to do next.

If you want to schedule a powerful free  conversation with me, simply click on the button below.


Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


P.S. If you’re like me and you don’t always read to the end. I”m reminding you that I’m offering you a free and powerful coaching conversation. This is my way of saying thank you for watching the videos and making your relationships a priority.