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How do I know what my purpose is?


 "We all have challenges in our lives and we all have a purpose".these are lines from a conversation I had with Sheron Burks-Silvera. Sheron shares, that we all have a purpose! And if you can discover what you're really passionate about and can monetize that, then you'll be living a life of joy.

Sheron helps people who want to move away from working 9-5 each day, to uncover talents and strengths in order to know what more it is they can do in the world.

Yes! We all have a purpose! Your purpose is what gets you excited. It's an expression of who you are. We each have gifts and contributions to make.

Finding your passion means finding what has meaning for you. Discovering this gives you access to your power.

Your purpose is inside you. An acorn is designed to become a mighty oak tree just as you are designed to become the best you.

When you live on purpose, you have:

• A contemplative practice that gives you access to your quieter voice.

• You know what is unique and special about yourself.

• You are of service with your gifts.

Here are some suggestions to help you find your purpose:


  • if you're excited or just reacting to the needs of your daily life in order to get through the day.
  • what you love.
  • what sucks the life out of you.
  • where you feel you're living out of integrity?

We all have a common purpose: To love and be loved, but we still have unique ways of expressing this. When you understand your purpose, the quality of your life changes and you remember why you're here!

You can watch the whole 6 minute WISH (Wisdom Share) with SheronBerks-Silvera here. Scroll down the page.

For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-Part video series.

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